Budismo, meditação e cultura de paz | Lama Padma Samten



Le CEBB ou Centre d’Études Bouddhistes Bodhisattva est une organisation bouddhiste brésilienne axée sur l’étude et la pratique du bouddhisme. Elle a été créée par le Lama Padma Samten, physicien et professeur bouddhiste brésilien, disciple de Chagdud Tulku Rinpoché, un maître de la tradition bouddhiste tibétaine Nyingma.


L’approche du CEBB combine les enseignements traditionnels bouddhistes avec une perspective moderne, les rendant accessibles à un public contemporain. Il vise à offrir une voie de développement spirituel et de transformation personnelle basée sur les principes bouddhistes, en mettant l’accent sur la compassion, la sagesse et la pleine conscience.

Voici un bref aperçu du fonctionnement du CEBB :

  1. Des Enseignements et Pratiques : le CEBB offre divers enseignements, pratiques et séances de méditation basés sur le bouddhisme tibétain. Ceux-ci comprennent des enseignements fondamentaux sur la pleine conscience, la compassion et la nature de l’esprit, ainsi que des pratiques plus avancées pour les praticiens expérimentés.
  2. Des Centres et Groupes : l’organisation consiste en plusieurs centres et groupes d’étude à travers le Brésil. Ces derniers mettent à disposition enseignement,  méditation et activités communautaires. Ils sont ouverts à toute personne intéressée par le bouddhisme ou souhaitant s’engager dans la pratique bouddhiste. 
  3. La Communauté et l’Engagement : au-delà d’une pratique individuelle, le CEBB a pour vocation de construire une communauté. Ainsi, sont proposés : des méditations en groupe, des retraites, du bénévolat et des projets sociaux, reflétant le principe bouddhiste de l’action engagée dans le monde.

  1. L’Accessibilité et l’Inclusivité : l’un des aspects clés du CEBB est son objectif de rendre les enseignements bouddhistes accessibles et pertinents pour la vie moderne. Les enseignements sont offerts d’une manière inclusive et compréhensible, indépendamment d’une formation ou expérience antérieure dans le bouddhisme.
  2. Les Ressources En Ligne : à l’ère numérique d’aujourd’hui, le CEBB fournit également des ressources en ligne, y compris des enseignements, des guides de méditation et des articles, ce qui facilite l’accès à la sagesse bouddhiste de n’importe où.

Lama Padma Samten

Le maître bouddhiste Lama Padma Samten a aidé d’innombrables personnes dans leur vie quotidienne et leurs relations avec des enseignements issus des domaines les plus divers de la connaissance.

Physicien, titulaire d’une licence et d’un master de l’Université Fédérale de Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Alfredo Aveline a travaillé comme professeur de physique et chercheur de 1969 à 1994. Au cours de cette période, il s’est consacré en particulier à l’examen de la physique quantique, une théorie dans laquelle il a trouvé une affinité avec la pensée bouddhiste.
Au début des années 1980, il approfondit son intérêt pour le bouddhisme pour fonder en 1986 le Centre d’Études Bouddhistes Bodhisattva (CEBB). En 1993, il est accepté comme disciple par Chagdud Tulku Rinpoché, et en 1996 il est ordonné lama, un titre qui signifie leader, curé et professeur.


Ação Paramita

The Ação Paramita (Paramita Action) is an online platform of buddhist education and content. It aims to reenchant reality by strengthening network action and promoting social self-organization.

Instituto Caminho do Meio

Instituto Caminho do Meio (ICM) seeks to awaken and highlight the positive qualities naturally present in every human being, so that everyone can establish better relationships with themselves, with others, with society and with the biosphere.

Hortas Escolares

Hortas escolares (School Gardens) is a project of the Federal Institute of Education/RS that, through the EcoViamão program, covers 28 state schools, 1 municipal and 1 private.

Making classes more dynamic, in an active and interdisciplinary learning environment, and also promoting awareness of environmental responsibility, sustainability, healthy eating and cooperativism are objectives of the extension project Hortas Escolares Agroecológicas, of the Campus Viamão do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS).

Fellows help in the productive and pedagogical process, in addition to providing support with inputs and tools through the EcoViamão Program.

Instituto Caminho do Meio facilitates the planning and execution of this project, providing support to students and scholarship holders.


Experience carried out by Instituto Caminho do Meio (ICM) which is part of a non-school education movement for young people aged 16 to 30.

The Formative Experience for Young People is structured in three levels: in the mind level, to articulate the perception of how the world is today with a deeper vision of the wisdoms and nature of the mind from a Buddhist point of view; in terms of energy, reinforcing the insertion of people in meaningful communities and in life in the middle of the forest, based on the CEBB Village; at the body level, to develop ways of effective action in the world through “living laboratories”: collective action projects that move from the experience of ICM and its network partners.

108 Horas de Paz

The 108 Horas de Paz promotes dialogues, lectures, dream circles and cultural activities in favor of a Culture of Peace.

“Our intention is to reinforce horizontal networks of interdependence, compassion and collaboration, which become especially important in times of heightened social and environmental issues. We believe that by strengthening our joint movement based on positive and broad visions and giving visibility to relevant and constructive initiatives, we can generate action that makes sense and that will help us build better environments beyond conflict and crisis”

Ricardo Pellegrini, president of ICM – Instituto Caminho do Meio.

Revista Bodisatva

Bodisatva is the first buddhist magazine in Brazil. Founded by Lama Padma Samten over 30 years ago, it is a communication platform dedicated to translating and disseminating wisdom content from authentic lineages into Portuguese, as well as publishing texts produced by masters and practitioners from our own country. It has 34 printed editions.

Escola Caminho do Meio

The ICM maintains a non-profit educational institution, which translates the Buddhist tradition in a non-religious way to teach children and adolescents
Escola Caminho do Meio offers an education centered on familiarization with the internal world and on the development of technologies of the self. We cultivate a practice of hands, mind and heart, favoring relationships and meaningful bonds, contextualizing the languages learned in fundamental creativity and immersing them in a forest with a profusion of beings.

The school was born from the dream of Lama Padma Samten, within the Buddhist community and next to the temple of Centro de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva. Seeking to translate this spiritual basis in a non-religious way, the School aims, from early childhood, on each child’s contact with their deepest dimensions and, with that, a relationship with the world that is healthy, interested, creative and transforming.
Programme complet du Lama Padma Samten en Europe
Enseignements du Lama Samten en anglais
Ici, vous trouverez les enseignements du Lama Padma Samten lors de retraites traduites en anglais. Notre souhait est que ces vastes et profonds enseignements puissent toucher toujours plus d’êtres. Vous pourrez ainsi explorer les premières étapes de la voie bouddhiste vers une libération complète. L’étude des sutras de Bouddha et d’autres maîtres tels que Longchenpa, Düdjom Lingpa, Düdjom Rinpoché, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso, entre autres y seront mis à votre disposition. Le Lama Santem utilise un discours rempli d’exemples quotidiens qui peuvent transformer une expérience considérée comme ordinaire en un exemple de manifestation de la sagesse ultime. Il s’agit en effet de retrouver la Perfection Naturelle dans tout ce qui nous entoure. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les liens vers la liste de lecture des retraites accompagnées d’une brève description de leur thème. N’hésitez pas à faire des suggestions ou à demander une traduction des retraites offertes par le Lama Padma Samten en envoyant un courriel à :
Textes et livres électroniques Bientôt

Buddhism and culture of peace

The name for the worlds that emerge inseparable from our minds is “mandala”. Mandala does not refer only to a material world, but to the experience of this world, to the observer, the cognitive limits, the energies of action, the emotions and the body. Each mandala emerges with an inseparable corresponding type of lively and active intelligence. This kind of intelligence is transcendent, not personal, not corruptible and free from time. Incessantly available, it can be recognized and accessed without effort or struggle at any moment. The Buddhist goal is to leave the limited mandalas and reach the mandalas of wisdom, immune to the binary standard of liking and disliking.

Meditating with the focus on
the energy of 5 elements

The five elements give a sense of reality to the things around us. We nourish ourselves, we drink from the energy that comes from samsara. Therefore, we need to have this natural brightness in the eyes, otherwise we get depressed. Life is based on the attachment to the five elements. We are attached to the five elements; we are attached to everything that produces this brightness inside ourselves. It is like we are living inside a bubble where the elements appear and make us move. This is samsara.

Relationships and networks

We are alive in a magical moment, enriched by the exchange of experiences between cultures which until recently were geographically separate. These noble spiritual traditions were able to preserve the lucidity and wisdom of the great teachers of the past, and now they bring us this precious legacy that belongs to all mankind.
Great meditation teachers from various lineages, places and generations have searched inside their hearts and minds for the secret of happiness and how to overcome obstacles. It became clear that it is vital for us to understand our worldviews, mindsets, emotions and energy, as these are the main elements that drive our actions. If our actions are positive, they generate happiness, and if they are negative, they generate suffering. This happiness and suffering impacts the people around us, the whole of humanity and the all-encompassing nature. Relationships and networks are a universal theme that touches everyone. I try to bring some important reflective points here so that the way we manifest ourselves—either through our relationship with ourselves, with others, with society and with nature—becomes positive and brings stability to all.

We have a very meaningful human life; and it is essential to be able to acknowledge our fragility, rareness and preciousness. Reducing conflicts and improving relationships will provide better opportunities to enjoy our lives in a more positive way. The purpose of this short book is to help each and every one of us in having a chance to live a full, bright and profound life. I describe our common difficulties, a view of the imprisoned mindset and energies, and also the possibility of a “lotus birth,” which could be the apex of our lives and of society as a whole.

I introduced the idea of the book at the end of 2005, during the 72 Hours of Peace event that took place at the Caminho do Meio Institute in Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. A year later, the first draft of the book was created. At the time, we chose to keep the oral style of the event in the written version, while also including the Q&A session from the event at the end of the book. In this current edition, I have made some small revisions and added a new chapter. Reviewing was done by Rafaela Valença, Stela Santin, Bruno L’Astorina and Sofia Aveline. Editorial graphic design was carried out by Guilherme Erhardt. The newly added chapter on compassionate networks was developed alongside Gustavo Giti based on my most recent teachings. Many thanks to each of you.

May the merits of this fruitful gathering expand and touch everyone. May everyone find happiness and its causes. May Pure Land visions, like the spring, manifest in all directions.

Lama Padma Samten Caminho do Meio, 2019
Photos du Lama et de la Sangha