Budismo, meditação e cultura de paz | Lama Padma Samten


Winter Retreat “Presentation of the Path of 21 items and Guru Yoga”

Retreat “Presentation of the Path of 21 items and Guru Yoga” with Lama Padma Samten, broadcasted live from July 02th to July 10th, 2022. Here, you will find the recordings of all sessions, which will remain available for registered participants – even for those who register after May 11th.

IMPORTANT: Please, do not share this page and/or its content, including the recordings, links and documents posted here. Practitioners benefit more from the teachings when they themselves manifest interest and rejoice in supporting the teachers’ activities. If you wish to share the possibility of attending this retreat (even after it is over) with other people, please invite them to register by writing to acaoparamita@gmail.com or submitting the registration form (for Portuguese speakers).

Live broadcast

Before each session, refresh this page to make sure that you are accessing its updated content.

Zoom room (click here): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84895631569?pwd=eHRFb2VmNUx6ajdLbXF0ZkE1R05Odz09
Meeting ID: 838 2270 6445
Password: 108

The sessions will also be broadcasted on Youtube (links below)

Sessions list

Please note that the times and schedule are subject to change. Also, the timetable is in Brasília time (UTC-3). To convert to your time zone: https://savvytime.com/converter.

Obs.: The evening pujas and Q&A sessions will not be translated to English. However, non-Portuguese speakers who wish to ask Lama a question are welcome to join the meeting and ask it live. Consecutive translation will be provided. If they prefer, they can also send their question to acaoparamita@gmail.com

Saturday – 02/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #1
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108

Sunday – 03/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #2
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108

Monday – 04/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #3
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108

Tuesday – 05/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #4
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108

Wednesday – 06/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #5
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108

Thursday – 07/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #6
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108

Friday – 08/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #7
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108

Saturday – 09/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #08
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108

Sunday – 10/07/2022

. 8 – 9 am | Meditation · Zoom room
. 9 – 11 am | Teaching · Zoom room or Session #9
. 2 – 5 pm | Meditation . Zoom room
. 7 – 8 pm | Evening puja and Q&A · Zoom room | password: 108



Your registration and participation do not depend on a financial contribution. If you wish to make a contribution, feel free to choose the amount. Donations help support Lama Samten’s activities and CEBBs Bacopari, Jetavana and Caminho do Meio, where there are study groups and the ongoing practice of middle and long-term retreats focused on deepening view, meditation and action, with Lama Samten’s in-person guidance.

The practice of Dana Paramita – the perfection of generosity – has made the continuity of the teachings possible since Buddha Shakyamuni’s time. The six paramitas – generosity, morality, peace, energy, concentration and wisdom – inspire the practice and lie at the basis of CEBB’s centers of study and meditation and its initiatives on education, environmental protection, the culture of peace and Pure Lands.

Practice of generosity

Dharma activities are traditionally supported by the practice of generosity (Dana Paramita), which allows for the continuity of the teachings since Buddha Shakyamuni’s time and supports the maintenance of CEBB’s centers of study and meditation and its initiatives on education, environmental protection, the culture of peace and Pure Lands.

For donations within Brazil:

Banco do Brasil (001)
Ação Paramita de Educação Budista
Agência: 0628-9
Conta Corrente: 108999-4
CNPJ 34.079.867/0001-04
CÓDIGO PIX CNPJ – 34079867000104

For donations from other countries, please contact us at  acaoparamita@gmail.com


If you have any questions, please contact us at acaoparamita@gmail.com