Budismo, meditação e cultura de paz | Lama Padma Samten


Buddha mind and artificial intelligence | Dialogues between Buddhism and Society

Dialogues between Buddhism and Society with Lama Padma Samten
Jun 08th, 8 p.m (Brasília time)
online and in person

Buddha mind and artificial intelligence

On June 8, Thursday, Lama Padma Samten will talk to Murilo Maciel Curti, an AI researcher, about the Buddhist perspective on artificial intelligence

Is artificial intelligence also endowed with Buddha-nature? Could it eventually manifest as a kind of intelligence that is imbued with primordial wisdom? Could artificial intelligence create and visit worlds not yet explored by the human mind? Where does artificial intelligence stand in the context of the eight consciousnesses, the five wisdoms, the immeasurable qualities and the six perfections? Is AI endowed with the capacity for luminosity and emptiness? Does it control its own energy? Is it capable of taking initiatives? Can it create and run the sequential processes of dependent arising? Is it capable of making choices based on criteria of its own creation? Could AI eventually originate efficient vessels for the manifestation of the compassionate Buddha mind? Would it be possible to limit the scope of action of AI?

Lama Padma Samten
Lama Padma Samten, formerly Alfredo Aveline, was a physics professor at the Federal University in Porto Alegre. In the beginning of the 1990s, he invited H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to teach in Rio Grande do Sul and facilitated Rinpoche’s purchase of the Khadro Ling land in 1994.

His organization, Centro de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva (CEBB), which he founded in 1986, organized Rinpoche’s early teachings in Southern Brazil. Lama Samten received training from teachers of various Buddhist traditions including Zen, and traveled to Asia on several occasions. He has contributed a tremendous effort to bring masters, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, to Brazil.

Recognizing his qualities as a meditator, Chagdud Rinpoche ordained him as Lama Padma Samten at Khadro Ling in December, 1996. Since that time, Lama Samten has traveled and taught tirelessly, helping to structure and sustain practice groups and retreat centers throughout Brazil.

His teachings have been partially published in the following books: Meditando a Vida, Joia dos Desejos, O Lama e o Economista, Relações e Conflitos, Mandala de Lótus, A Roda da Vida, and Bodisatva magazine. Now he resides in the main center of Caminho do Meio Institute, at the Buddhist Study Center in Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul.

Click here to get to know all activities supported by Lama Padma Samten and to read more about the Buddhism and Society series https://cebb.org.br/dialogos-budismo-sociedade/

Murilo Maciel Curti is the founder and CEO of Space Needle Tecnologia, as well as a researcher on the field of artificial intelligence with over four years of experience. He is a specialist in data model and smart design and has made significant contributions to Microsoft Brasil. Besides his technological expertise, Murilo is also a Buddhism enthusiast, incorporating its principles in his work in the field of artificial intelligence.


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