Budismo, meditação e cultura de paz | Lama Padma Samten



Lama Padma Samten em Bolonha
“Encontro com o Budismo”

Camplus Bononia – 19 e 20 de outubro de 2024

Camplus Bononia Via Sante Vincenzi 49, 40138 Bologna


Saturday, October 19, from 2:30p.m to 5:30p.m
Introduction to Buddhism as the Universal Path to Loving Kindness and Compassion.

Sunday, October 20, from 9:30p.m to 12p.m
The importance of the primacy of contemplative experience for the discovery of the fundamental nature of each individual.

Sunday, October 20, from 2:30p.m to 5:30p.m
Deep spiritual experience as the common denominator of the various Buddhist schools.

Free entry with donation (minimum 20 euros on the spot)

Dāna ‘Generosity is an integral practice in Buddhism’.
‘Dāna’, in the ancient Pali language, means “Generosity”, and although the value of the Teachings is immeasurably precious, each participant is invited to make a donation to the Master, as generously as possible, respecting their own possibilities.

Given the limited number of places, please register by sending an e-mail with your details to:


Sarah Gonçalves


JAMTSE LING, Centro Rimé per il Dharma Non Settario

Alojamento no local
Para quem deseja pernoitar no local do evento, oferecemos a possibilidade de hospedagem,
sujeito a disponibilidade. Caso esteja interessado, por favor contacte-nos indicando o número de participantes e o número de quartos necessários para receber uma cotação.

Nota: A acomodação está sujeita à disponibilidade e um orçamento será fornecido o mais breve possível.

"Using traditional teachings, we seek with this set of activities to provide the means to deepen our vision of our personal and social reality, seeking our pacification and empowerment to help build the Buddhist ideal of pure lands. This set of activities is aimed at helping our efforts at social and personal transformation, deepening our experiences of meditation, removing obstacles to practice and understanding and leading us to broaden our realizations."

The Bodisatva Center for Buddhist Studies (CEBB) is a Brazilian Buddhist organization focused on the study and practice of Buddhism. The aim is to offer a path to spiritual development and personal transformation based on Buddhist principles, emphasizing compassion, wisdom and mindfulness.

Lama Padma Samten, formerly Alfredo Aveline, was a physics professor at the Federal University in Porto Alegre, Brazil, for 25 years. In the beginning of the 1990s, he invited H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to teach in Rio Grande do Sul and facilitated Rinpoche’s purchase of the Khadro Ling land in 1994.

Jamtse Ling

Jamtse Ling – Associação Rimé

For the Non-Sectarian Practice, Promotion and Dissemination of the Dharma.

The Rimé Association is the only Italian centre dedicated exclusively to the Non-Sectarian ‘Rimé’ Movement and advocates the realisation of the individual's Fundamental Nature through the practice of the Buddha's teachings.

A group of Dharma students in Bologna perceived the need and usefulness of establishing a Dharma center dedicated to the Non-Sectarian Practice, Promotion and Dissemination of the Dharma, in order to contribute to the dissemination of the Buddha's Teachings, based on the Four Noble Truths, the Three Jewels and the practices of the Buddhist Doctrine in its various Schools, Traditions and Lineages.


The Non-Sectarian Movement "Jamtse Ling" has had a new natural development with the arrival of the Dharma in the West. Its spirit has developed more and more, thanks to frequent exchanges, both nationally and internationally, between Dharma teachers in the West. The non-sectarian Rimé attitude, which originally referred to the different Tibetan lineages and schools, continues to this day in all Dharma lineages and schools, from Bön to Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, Gelug, Theravada, Chan and Zen.

The Jamtse Ling Association for the Non-Sectarian Practice, Promotion and Dissemination of the Dharma is the only Italian Dharma center dedicated exclusively to the “Rimé” Non-Sectarian Movement and advocates the realization of the Fundamental Nature of the individual through the practice of the teachings of Buddha. This realization is Love and Wisdom, Great Compassion and Liberating Understanding; it transcends illusion and passions; it operates spontaneously and continuously for the benefit of all living things and works for the good of all sentient beings and for the birth of an awakened society. It is about respecting with devotion, promoting and studying all the Traditions and Dharma Schools that, by virtue of lineages of adamantine purity, eternal, and uninterrupted, lead to the true Realization of "Absolute Reality" or "Rigpa" or "Nature of the Mind”, beyond the concepts, names and forms, based on the understanding derived only from the concrete individual experience and spiritual evolution, beyond all intellectualism.

The Rimé Association is non-profit organization and pursues civic, cultural, solidarity and social promotion purposes, through the development of activities in the following areas: organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including publishing activities of promotion, practice and dissemination of the Dharma of general interest, educational activities aimed at the integral formation of the person, as well as cultural activities of social interest for educational purposes, promotion of the culture of legality, peace among peoples, non-violence and defense without weapons. The association may also carry out activities of awareness, education, training and emancipation of the community based on the teachings of the Dharma and, consequently, carry out activities for the dissemination of information for the practice and dissemination of the Dharma.

Jamtse Ling Network

Together with the constitution of the Association, within it, the "Rimé Network" was established.


This is a voluntary collaborative network of Dharma centers that share the non-sectarian vision of the Dharma in their daily actions.