Budismo, meditação e cultura de paz | Lama Padma Samten


Retreat with Lama Padma Samten | View, Meditation and Action

From April 27th to May 11th, 2022

By registering, you can attend the live teachings and have access to a playlist with the teachings’ recordings.

This year, Lama Padma Samten has been offering a series of activities focused on deepening our practice. From April 27th to May 11th, he will offer a retreat based on the Tibetan Buddhist teachings on view, meditation and action.

This will be an online retreat with simultaneous English translation, and it is being organized by Ação Paramita together with CEBBs Caminho do Meio and Bacupari.

Date: April 27th to May 11th
Topic: View, meditation and action


Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

  • 05h30 – 06h00 | Silent meditation (it will not be broadcasted)

  • 06h00 – 06h30 | Morning puja (it will not be broadcasted)

  • 08h00 – 09h00 | Meditation

  • 09h00 – 11h00 | Teaching with Lama Samten

  • 14h00 – 17h00 | Meditation

  • 19h00 – 20h00 | Evening puja (no English translation available)

  • 20h00 – 20h30 | Q&A session
*Timetable is in Brasília time (UTC-3). To convert to your time zone: https://savvytime.com/converter


Your registration and participation do not depend on making a contribution. Register at acaoparamita@gmail.com.


Your registration and access to the teachings do not depend on a financial contribution. If you wish to make a contribution, feel free to choose the amount.

Your contribution will help support the CEBB communities and retreat centers Caminho do Meio, Bacupari and Jetavana, as well as Lama Padma Samten’s activities.

The practice of Dana Paramita – the perfection of generosity – has made the continuity of the teachings possible since Buddha Shakyamuni’s time. The six paramitas – generosity, morality, peace, energy, concentration and wisdom – inspire the practice and lie at the basis of CEBB’s centers of study and meditation and its initiatives on education, environmental protection, the culture of peace and Pure Lands.

For donations within Brazil:

Banco do Brasil (001)
Ação Paramita de Educação Budista
Agência: 0628-9
Conta Corrente: 108999-4
CNPJ 34.079.867/0001-04
CÓDIGO PIX CNPJ – 34079867000104

For donations from other countries, please contact us at acaoparamita@gmail.com


The retreat will be broadcasted from CEBB Caminho do Meio and CEBB Bacupari.

Upon submitting the registration form, you will receive an email with the retreat’s webpage, where you will find the zoom and youtube links of all sessions, texts and other important materials and information.


If you have any questions, please contact us at acaoparamita@gmail.com

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About Lama Padma Samten

Lama Padma Samten, formerly Alfredo Aveline, was a physics professor at the Federal University in Porto Alegre. In the beginning of the 1990s, he invited H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to teach in Rio Grande do Sul and facilitated Rinpoche’s purchase of the Khadro Ling land in 1994.

His organization, Centro de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva (CEBB), which he founded in 1986, organized Rinpoche’s early teachings in Southern Brazil. Lama Samten received training from teachers of various Buddhist traditions including Zen, and traveled to Asia on several occasions. He has contributed a tremendous effort to bring masters, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, to Brazil.

Recognizing his qualities as a meditator, Chagdud Rinpoche ordained him as Lama Padma Samten at Khadro Ling in December, 1996. Since that time, Lama Samten has traveled and taught tirelessly, helping to structure and sustain practice groups and retreat centers throughout Brazil.

His teachings have been partially published in the following books: Meditando a Vida, Joia dos Desejos, O Lama e o Economista, Relações e Conflitos, Mandala de Lótus, A Roda da Vida, and Bodisatva magazine. Now he resides in the main center of Caminho do Meio Institute, at the Buddhist Study Center in Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul.

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