Budismo, meditação e cultura de paz | Lama Padma Samten


Lama Alan Wallace's Retreat 2020 (online)

Sharp Vajra of Conscious Awareness Tantra – part 2
October 9-16, 2020, online retreat with Lama Alan Wallace


CEBB Caminho do Meio has the great honor to announce that the 2020 Lama Alan Wallace retreat will happen in online format.
This retreat will be the continuation of the oral commentaries on the Sharp Vajra of Conscious Awareness Tantra, one of the most important and profound visionary texts by the great master Dzogchen Düdjom Lingpa. This tantra is an exposition about the entire path of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, transmitted in the form of essential instructions and heartfelt advice in the visions of this great Tibetan master. Lama Alan Wallace was authorized to share these teachings by his Dzogchen Teacher, Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche, and he makes this source of wisdom accessible to a contemporary audience, with step-by-step guidance on the theory and practice of the teachings of Great Perfection.
As a precondition, for those who did not attend to the 2019 retreat (Phases 1-3), you should listen to the teachings available here (with consecutive translation into Portuguese).
This retreat will also be consecutively translated into Portuguese.


The retreat starts on October 9th and ends on 13th, with three daily sessions with Lama Alan Wallace
(All times are in Eastern Brazilian Time (UTC-3))
1 to 3 PM | teachings
5 to 7 PM | teachings
8 to 9 PM | questions to the Lama


The retreat will be streamed via Zoom and YouTube, in a closed network for the registered ones.
Your early registration helps a lot our organization process!
Your registration and participation does not depend upon financial contribution. However, your donation will support directly the activities of Lama Alan Wallace and the maintenance of the network of CEBB retreat centers. Traditionally, the activites of the Dharma are sustained by the practice of generosity, which has made possible the continuity of the teachings since the times of Buddha himself.
For registration and contributions from outside of Brazil, please donate here (via Paypal).
[button link=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hKDgCyjyhUMNRJSpl7HRSJ-F8eOthlEGHEfVnI4YiBc/viewform” size=”large” target=”_blank”]Register here[/button]

About Lama Alan Wallace

Alan Wallace is a prominent voice in the emerging discussion between contemporary Buddhist thinkers and scientists who question the materialist presumptions of their 20th-century paradigms. He left his college studies in 1971 and moved to Dharamsala, India to study Tibetan Buddhism, medicine and language. He was ordained by H.H. the Dalai Lama, and over fourteen years as a monk he studied with and translated for several of the generation’s greatest lamas. In 1984 he resumed his Western education at Amherst College where he studied physics and the philosophy of science. He then applied that background to his PhD research at Stanford on the interface between Buddhism and Western science and philosophy. Since 1987 he has been a frequent translator and contributor to meetings between the Dalai Lama and prominent scientists, and he has written and translated more than 40 books. Along with his scholarly work, Alan is regarded as one of the West’s preeminent meditation teachers and retreat guides. He is the founder and director of the Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies and is the motivating force behind the develop of the Center for Contemplative Research in Tuscany, Italy. For more, visit alanwallace.org
For any question, please email retiroaw2020@gmail.com
Or call +55 51 99799 8184 (Mon-Fri 1-6 PM, UTC-3)

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