Budismo, meditação e cultura de paz | Lama Padma Samten


Sustainability and spirituality: building possible futures beyond dystopia

Buddhism and Society Talk with Lama Padma Samten
May 18th, 8 P.M (GMT -3)

Next Thursday, May 18th, Lama Padma Samten will talk to Andreas Hernandez and the students from the University of New Mexico (USA) about how to look deeper into issues such as ecology, sustainability, economic development and visions of the future. What does Buddhism have to say about issues that guide our life in society nowadays?

This week’s Buddhism and Society Program celebrates the exchange between students at the University of New Mexico with Cebb and Instituto Caminho do Meio, which continue the College’s project of having a training space for young people that deepens contemporary social issues combined with knowledge of the inner world.

Lama Padma Samten
Lama Padma Samten, formerly Alfredo Aveline, was a physics professor at the Federal University in Porto Alegre. In the beginning of the 1990s, he invited H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to teach in Rio Grande do Sul and facilitated Rinpoche’s purchase of the Khadro Ling land in 1994.

His organization, Centro de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva (CEBB), which he founded in 1986, organized Rinpoche’s early teachings in Southern Brazil. Lama Samten received training from teachers of various Buddhist traditions including Zen, and traveled to Asia on several occasions. He has contributed a tremendous effort to bring masters, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, to Brazil.

Recognizing his qualities as a meditator, Chagdud Rinpoche ordained him as Lama Padma Samten at Khadro Ling in December, 1996. Since that time, Lama Samten has traveled and taught tirelessly, helping to structure and sustain practice groups and retreat centers throughout Brazil.

His teachings have been partially published in the following books: Meditando a Vida, Joia dos Desejos, O Lama e o Economista, Relações e Conflitos, Mandala de Lótus, A Roda da Vida, and Bodisatva magazine. Now he resides in the main center of Caminho do Meio Institute, at the Buddhist Study Center in Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul.

Click here to learn more about Lama Samten’s activities and get to know a little better the Buddhism and Society Talk.

Andreas Hernandez
Professor Andreas Hernandez is Director of the Sustainability Studies Program at the University of New Mexico, where he is also President of the Latin American and Iberian Insitute. He has taught at four universities and in two maximum security prisons. Andreas has focused on cultivating opportunities for students, including directing a university program at the United Nations Headquarters in NYC. His research examines just transitions to sustainability and regeneration. He is also a filmmaker, with his previous film “Soil, Struggle and Justice: Agroecology in the Brazilian Landless Movement” winning festival awards.  Currently he is producing a film entitled “Ecodharma”.

Generosity Practice

Your subscription and attendance are unattached of financial contribution. If it is possible, feel free to set an amount. We suggest as reference 20 USD (ONLINE). Your contribution will support Lama Padma Samten’s movement and also Ação Paramita (check here).

The practice of Dana Paramita – generosity perfection – makes possible the teachings to be continuous since Buda’s time. The Six Paramitas – generosity, morality, peace, energy, meditation and wisdom – inspire the practice and are the base for study centers, meditation, greeting and educational initiatives, environmental awareness, Pure Realms and Peace Culture of CEBB’s Sanga.

International contributions can be done by PayPal.

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